
Monday, March 18, 2019

The Killing Game Essay -- essays research papers

The violent death gameBefore reading The killing game by exuberate Williams, I considered myself a non-hunter. However, after reading The killing game, I had mixed feelings of how I felt about hunting. I think Williams unjustly stereotyped all hunters as being immoral without consideration for other point of view. I decided to look equally at two sides of this issue to determine which side, non-hunter or anti-hunter, I would support.I interviewed my booster station, Dona Mayo, about hunting. I believed that she would know about hunting since she had hunted in the past and her forefather is an active hunter. She considers herself to be a non-hunter now but does support the rights of a limited amount of hunting for appropriate reasons. Her family always takes home and consume all the animals they kill. Any left over nucleus is donated to church or given to other families. Every edible part of the animal is eaten. The well is kept as a trophy if it has a good rack. They cull to hunt deer, turkey and squirrel. At one point, in 1985 lots of populate were laid off from work. They had to rely on hunting to supply them with meat when they could no longer afford to buy any.She did have a friend of hers that was involved in a hunting related accident. His name was Chris, when he was thirteen he had accidentally shot and killed his father by place a gun that had a bullet lodged in the rifle firearm climbing a fence. It is illegal to hunt in state lay in Mississippi. Taxpayers pay extra for l...

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