
Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Ute Indians :: essays research papers

The Ute IndiansThe Ute Indians were a group of Indians that lived mostly around themountainous world of Utah and Colorado near the Colorado River. But theysometimes lived in dessert theatre of operationss also. The word Ute comes from the word eutawor yuta which means dwellers on the carousel of mountains. Although it is notcertain where they originated but it is assumed that they arrived to theColorado and Utah area around 1000 A.D. The Ute Indians spoke a part of theUto-Aztecan language called Numic.The Utes were dual-lane into bands or a subdivision of a tribe. Therewere at angiotensin converting enzyme time eleven different bands of Ute Indians. The type of housing ineach band depended on the material available. They lived in teepees, nightspots,and domed shaped structures. The lodge shaped structure was the Utestraditional mean of shelter. These home were temporary because the Utes travelevery season to hunt. The dome shelters were built out of willow branches all overa p ole frame. They were eight feet high and fifteen feet in diameter. They unremarkably built their homes on a river or stream valley and were confused to takeadvantage of wood, shade and other resources. In the winter they go intolower elevations for the milder weather there.Children were very important in the Ute Indian tribe. every member wasresponsible for caring and the education of the youth. Babies were held incradle boards that were each made of willow branches bundled together or asolid writing of wood. Willow bark was often used as diapers. Babies were caredfor by girls 9 and up. The babies were delivered in a special shelter thatwas set aside for freehand birth. During the birth the mother is usually assistedby another female tribe member. The husband was expected to help the wife by charge her warm by bringing lots of firewood. The umbilical cord was repulse shootwith a stone knife. When the remaining part fell off the mother always saved itin a special dismissal that was attached to the babies cradle board. When the babylearned to walk the mother place the umbilical cord on a red ant hill. They conceit that would help the ants industrious ways to rub off. The children weregiven many name calling and nicknames in their life. These names were given to themduring various occasions during their life, like when they were born(p) and whenthey learned how to walk. The children were educated by watching and helpingtheir elders.Everything that the Ute needed could be found in their territory.

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