
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Use of Clothing in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

Use of Clothing in Their Eyes Were watch God In the novel Their Eyes were watching God Zora Neale Hurston portrays a wo troops named Janies search for love and freedom. Janie, throughout the novel, bounces through three dissimilar marriages, with a brief stint at being a widow woman in between. Throughout these episodes, Hurston uses Janies clothing as a visual bookmark of where Janie is in her search for true love and how she is being influenced by those around her. Janies first article of clothing is an apron that she wears while hook up with to Logan Killiks as a hard working sixteen year old. Logan, who Janie describes as looking like an ol skullhead in de grave yard, (pg. 13) marries Janie to fulfill the role hardened down by Janies grandmother, a mule. Janie goes along with this for nearly a year, until miscellany comes walking down the road in the form of Joe Starks. Joe is a citified, voguish man with a hat set at an angle that didnt kick the bucket in th ose parts, and he wants to take Janie away. Joes dream is to become big man and pleads Janie to take part in his dreams of the future. He proposes marriage to her, and arranges a get together at the bottom of the road at sunup the next morning. Janie is disunite because Jody does non represent sun-up pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke of the distant horizon....The memory of Nanny was still strong. (pg. 28) When Janie decides to leave the next morning for, if vigor else, a healthy change, she looks down and sees the apron which has stood for all the things she has had to do for Logan, and flung it on a small bush beside the road. Then she walked on, picking flowers and making a bouquet. (pg. 31) When Janie threw the apron on the bush, it represented a major change in Janies life, and a progression from Logan. Janie is continuing her search for true love, although she knows already that Jody is not the perfect fulfillment of her dream, and how she has been affecte d by Jody already. Life with Jody was a discomposure from the beginning of their marriage. As soon as they arrived in the sleepy burg of Eatonville, Jody was nerve-wracking to gain

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